Last week, students were introduced to "Type to Learn", a program that helps students work on their typing speed. As many of us type more than we handwrite nowadays, it's important that children can do this with ease. As I'm typing this to you, I'm using the "home row" on the keyboard and not looking at my fingers, thanks to my typing teacher in high school. (of course, I learned how to type on a thing called a "typewriter"... something these kids literally have no context for!)
We also conducted a science experiment with water... continuing our "water cycle" study. We observed three different liquids on wax paper... "water", "detergent" and "rubbing alcohol". We worked on figuring out the different "properties" that each liquid has. You can clearly see in the photo below how the water and alcohol form tall blobs of liquid, while the detergent spreads out. We will continue this work around "surface tension" this week.
I wish I went to school now! Kids have much more fun that I did back then 3o years ago !